
Comparte Maratón

‘Comparte Maratón’ is a programme launched by the Valencia Marathon Trinidad Alfonso Zurich and run by the race’s organiser, Sociedad Deportiva Correcaminos, which aims to promote grassroots athletics in the province of Valencia by providing direct financial aid for athletics schools.

With ‘Comparte Maratón’, SD Correcaminos hopes that the Valencia Marathon Trinidad Alfonso Zurich will become a source of support for the youngest athletes and that they will have more human and technical resources in each of the promotional categories (U12, U14, U16, U18 and U20).

It is essential the terms and conditions of the call for applications are read before applying for the aid, as submitting an application to the programme implies acceptance of these terms and conditions.


‘Comparte Maratón’ 2025 will award financial support to three clubs for 12,000 euros, 8,000 euros and 5,000 euros, which will be distributed, respectively, to the three clubs that obtain the highest scores based on the criteria established in the terms and conditions of the call for applications. 

The aid should be earmarked for improvements so that the entry-level categories have, in general, more means and resources at their disposal, enabling them to face their future challenges with confidence.

In total, the programme has a fund of up to 25,000 euros.


‘Comparte Maratón’ 2025 is aimed at athletics clubs based in the province of Valencia that meet the requirements set out in the terms and conditions:

  • Have a registered office in the province of Valencia.
  • Have had a valid club licence from the Valencian Community Athletics Federation since 2023 (without interruption).
  • Not have received in 2024 or receive in 2025 subsidies in excess of 50,000 euros from public institutions (neither from a town council in the province of Valencia, the Provincial Council of Valencia, the Generalitat, nor from any company or public board of trustees).
  • Have operated an athletics school from at least 1 January 2023 with active athletes in all or some of the following categories: U12, U14, U16, U18 and U20.

* The clubs benefiting from this aid will not be able to apply again in future calls for applications until at least 2 rounds have passed.

* If none of the applications submitted meet the requirements set out in the terms and conditions, the call for applications may be declared void and no aid will be allocated.


The assessment criteria for assigning points (the higher the number, the higher the score) will be as follows:

  • Number of federated licences (including school and performance) U12, U14, U16, U18 and U20 in 2025 (the Club only needs to indicate the total number).
  • Individual podiums at the provincial, regional and national level in men and women: U12, U14, U16, U18 and U20 in 2024 (the Club only needs to indicate the total number).
  • Team podiums at the provincial, regional and national level in men and women: U12, U14, U16, U18 and U20 in 2024 (the Club only needs to indicate the total number).
  • Number of athletes participating in Spanish Championships: U14, U16, U18 and U20 in 2024 (the Club only needs to indicate the total number).
  • Number of coaches and monitors with officially recognised qualifications in the federative field of athletics or with academic qualifications in the field of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences or Physical Education, in charge of the different schools and training groups, in the 2025 season (the Club must indicate the number and full name of the coaches and monitors).
  • Number of athletes in the FACV’s Tecnification Programme in 2025 (the club must indicate the number and names of the athletes).

Additional points:

  • Five additional points will be awarded if the club’s regular training track (more than 75% of training days) is made of: cinder, earth or asphalt, or if the club does not even train on an athletics track.
  • An additional eight points will be awarded if the journey from that cinder, earth or asphalt track, or from the usual training site, to the nearest synthetic training track is more than 5 km by car (a brief explanation must be provided by the club).

The points for each criterion will be allocated based on the number of Clubs applying for this call and fulfilling the conditions/requirements. For example, if 10 Clubs apply, the best in each criterion will be awarded 10 points, the next best 9 points, etc.


To be eligible for the aid you must present:

  • A brief description of the athletics school of the federated club that is applying. It will be necessary to specify what the potential aid funds are to be used for.
  • An specific certificate from the club president, confirming that the requirements of the current terms and conditions have been met. The assessors will check the veracity with official and/or FACV data.
  • The figures for scoring in the assessment criteria.
  • Certificate from the club president identifying the usual training facility if it is not an approved synthetic track (if a synthetic track is normally used, this is not necessary).
  • An email address and the mobile phone number of the contact person leading the project, who will be the liaison with S.D. Correcaminos throughout the process.


  • To apply for the 2025 ‘Comparte Maratón’ programme, the documents required by the terms and conditions must be sent in a single email to comparte@maratonvalencia.com.
  • The application period will open at midnight on 25 March and close at 14:00 on 9 April.
  • Once the applications have been received, the Sociedad Deportiva Correcaminos will proceed to individually identify them and they will be assessed by the jury.


The clubs that are part of ‘Comparte Maratón’ 2025 commit themselves to fulfil a series of requirements:

  • Submit a final report by 31 December 2025.
  • Involve, regularly and satisfactorily, S.D. Correcaminos in all the stages and activities related to the project, providing regular and periodical information related to the activities of its athletics schools (schedule for implementation, communication, etc.).
  • Be the embodiment of the values of endeavour and achievement.
  • Publicise throughout 2025 the fact that the athletics school and its club have received the support of the Valencia Marathon Trinidad Alfonso Zurich and Sociedad Deportiva Correcaminos by:
    • Displaying the ‘Comparte Maratón’ logo on its website.
    • Displaying the logo on the school’s equipment.
    • Displaying the logo on posters and any other means of publicising the school.
    • Providing information to its members about the aid, both through internal communications and through its social media posts, if applicable.
  • Participating, as far as possible, in the activities and events organised by the Valencia Marathon. The winning club will be able to support the 2025 Marathon with a group of volunteers or cheerleaders.
  • Attending the award ceremony or the staging of the award ceremony, with one or more representatives of the club, which will take place before 1 July 2025.