Parallel Events
The Bimbo Valencia Breakfast Run is a training session that takes place the day before the Valencia Marathon, which brings together runners from many countries to run a 5K race.
The Rookies’ Corner is a forum in which experts from various fields (training, health and nutrition) give talks that are full of useful tips for anyone running a marathon for the first time.
The Paella Party La Fallera brings together thousands of runners and their companions on the day before the Valencia Marathon to enjoy this most international dish and to load up on carbohydrates before running 42 kilometres.
The Marathon Goes to School is an educational initiative to promote the world of running in Infant and Primary Schools, it allows the pupils to discover the marathon and learn through play.

Running Fallero gets the Valencia Ciudad de Running’s ‘Fallas’ Associations involved in the big day. There will be a competition for the best Fallas association cheer station and a ranking for Fallero runners in the marathon. Other initiatives are also held throughout the year. Not held in 2024.
The Medal Party is the official post race party for the Valencia Marathon Trinidad Alfonso Zurich. On Sunday afternoon it’s time to celebrate with the other runners who crossed the finish line of one of the best marathons in the world along with all their friends.