
Premium registration


Running the Valencia Marathon is much more than just running 42,195 metres, and now with our new premium registration it can become the ultimate VIP experience. 

This premium registration includes the race bib and a series of exclusive extra services, such as access to the VIP area for the runner and their companion, an official photo at the finish line and a changing room after the race.

The Premium Experience is an extra that can be purchased in addition to the race registration fee at the time of registration or added after registration.

premium bibs valencia marathon

Do you have more questions about the premium bib?

Premium registration gives you the same rights and services as the other runners, but also everything included for your bib giving you the opportunity to enjoy the complete experience when running in Valencia Ciudad del Running. You won’t have to pay for anything else.
So you can both enjoy the parallel activities such as the Breakfast Run and the Paella Party we will give you a race bib and a ticket for the person you want to accompany you. If you want more than one person to accompany you, you can buy more tickets and separate numbers to enjoy the experience with more people. When you register, we will ask you for your companion’s details so they can wait for your arrival comfortably in the VIP Area, enjoying the best location and the race catering.

With the Premium experience will you be able to recover 80% of your registration fee (excluding the cost of the insurance) should you wish to do so and for any reason, without having to provide any justification.

Any donation made to the charity will not be returned and will be donated to the charity.

Available until 29 November.

We will give you two tickets for the city’s tourist bus service, which you can use with your companion during the scheduled times and days, allowing you to choose when you prefer take your tour.
If you need more information or if you have special circumstances, you can write to us at this email address: premium@valenciaciudaddelrunning.com