
Running and sharing more kilometres in Valencia City of Running is rewarded

10 January, 2017

Valencia City of Running wants to reward the fidelity and the largest number of kilometres covered in their best events. For this reason, with the arrival of the second stage of the registration process for the EDP Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Marathon and the Valencia Half Marathon, in force until June 30, 2017, those runners who fill the registration to these two races, or combine them with the Valencia 10K parallel to the Marathon, will have discounts on the price of their registration.

Running Half Marathon and Marathon is rewarded

Thus, runners who register together to the EDP Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Marathon and the Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Half Marathon, to run the two races on November 19 and October 22, will have a discount of seven euros with respect to the current stage, which lasts until June 30. Running in 2017 the first two IAAF Gold Label races will have a price of € 68 with seven euros discount.

First Half and after 10K

In addition, runners who want to enjoy the Valencia Trinidad Alfonso 10K on the 19th November after having run the fastest half marathon in Spain can also benefit from discounts on the prices for these two races by acquiring the bibs together. This combination has a price of €35 with five euros discount on the current price of the two events separately.

Share with another runner Valencia Marathon and 10K

Finally, runners who want to share with other people the experience of living the Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Marathon and 10K, held at the same time on November, 19, can also benefit from discounts on the prices of these two events by acquiring the bibs jointly. This combination has a price of 62 € with three euros discount.

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