The Valencia Half Marathon generates 13.6 million Euros in tourism spending, a figure five times greater than the cost of organising the event

The Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Zurich Half Marathon has become a key part of Valencia City of Running, not only because of its splendid sporting results that make it the fastest on the planet, with two world records for the distance, but also because of the its amazing popularity among recreational runners. This popularity explains why all entries for 2025 were sold out within a few hours. To gauge the relevance of the event, the Ivie (Valencian Institute for Economic Research) has made its very first Economic Impact Report on the race. The conclusions are remarkable, one of them being that the race brings in 13.6 million Euros in tourism spending for the city from runners and their companions.
The study quantifies the economic impact in terms of revenue, income and employment, as well as the fiscal impact, that is, the income the race generates for the public purse through taxes and contributions. To calculate these impacts, one must include the costs incurred by SD Correcaminos, the event organiser, and that come to almost 2.59 million Euros. This sum is funded through entry fees and sponsorship. In its 2024 edition, the Valencia Half Marathon again broke its record with a total of 26,118 people taking part (recreational runners + professional runners + sponsors), 22% more than the previous year.
Another figure to consider is the tourist spending made by runners and companions from outside Valencia. These make up 54.3% of the total, and represent a net contribution to the Valencian economy. This estimate is calculated through surveys carried out among the participants and those accompanying them on race day, and puts the expenditure of domestic visitors at 137.8 Euros per day, and that of foreigners at 159.9 Euros. In total, the expenditure made by these visitors amounts to 13.61 million Euros, a sum five times greater than the organisation costs. Put another way, 5.3 Euros of tourist spending is generated for each Euro spent on organising the race. Much of this revenue comes from tourist spending in the hospitality, catering and local commerce sectors.
The sum of this expenditure linked to the Valencia Half Marathon gives rise to a total economic impact on the Valencian economy of 29.4 million Euros in sales or revenue for Valencian companies, which in turn generates 8.4 million Euros of income (salaries and business profits). In addition, the race spurs employment by creating and maintaining 258 full-time jobs for one year.
For Joaquín Maudos, Ivie’s Deputy Director and co-author of the report: “We already knew that the Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Zurich Marathon is a major source of wealth in the Valencian economy but the Half Marathon complements it. The Half Marathon generates 3.2 Euros of income for every Euro spent on the organisation—something that benefits all Valencians”.
By branches of activity, the services sector concentrates most of the economic impacts of the Half Marathon (87.4% in terms of income and 89.6% in terms of employment). The hotel industry (3.4 million Euros and 126 jobs), real estate activities and business services (1.6 million Euros in income and 20 jobs), trade (0.7 million Euros and 35 jobs) and other services, social activities and personal services (a group that includes recreational, cultural and sports activities and in which 0.46 million Euros of income and 13 jobs are generated) also stand out.
Almost 5 million Euros collected in taxes
In addition to generating income and employment, the Valencia Half Marathon boosts the public tax take. This is because both the expenses of the organisation and those incurred by the runners and their companions are subject to taxes, whether of a direct or indirect nature. The boost to productive activity and consumption in the region also increases tax revenues. In total, the Ivie report—prepared by the Institute’s Deputy Director, Joaquín Maudos, and the Economist Eva Benages—puts the tax impact of the race at 4.96 million Euros, which means that for every Euro spent on organising the event, 1.9 million Euros are generated in terms of revenue for the public coffers.
Participants’ score: An average 8.5
A Satisfaction Survey is carried out every year. Participants scored the 2024 edition of the event at 8.5, and highlighted its great atmosphere and the fact that it is the perfect venue for running a fast race—one of the main reasons for choosing the Valencia Half Marathon. In fact, 42% of respondents said they had achieved their best personal record in Valencia by lowering their mark by two minutes on average. In addition, 82% said they would come back another year and 96% would recommend it to their friends and acquaintances.
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