
Valencia Marathon encourages university students and citizens to volunteer

22 October, 2016

Maratón Valencia 2016

The Trinidad Alfonso EDP Valencia Marathon, organized by SD Correcaminos and the Valencia City Government, is looking for volunteers who want to be part of the 36th edition of the Marathon that will take place on the 20th of November. That is why the Marathon has launched a campaign with the slogan ‘You make the marathon possible’, which aims at encouraging the participation of volunteers and wants to emphasize the valuable work that they carry on in the sports event.

As part of the 2016 initiative, a promotional video has been released starring actual marathon runners who thank volunteers for making this race possible year after year. The official hashtag #YoSoyVoluntario (‘I am a volunteer’) aims at recognizing the value of their work and increase their visibility among runners since they are becoming more and more active in the social networks.

[vcr_youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/OaD59oElt2Y”][vcr_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMZ6vo1BI94″][/vcr_youtube_advanced]

The four main universities of the city –University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia Catholic University Saint Vincent Martyr and CEU Cardinal Herrera University– as well as EDEM Escuela de Empresarios (Business School), which has already taken part in other editions, have joined the initiative so as to encourage their students to participate in this sports volunteering experience. These universities have signed an agreement with the Trinidad Alfonso Foundation, the Marathon’s main sponsor. Thanks to Uniesport, the agreement, there will be a specific recruitment campaign in each of them and they will hold informative and training sesions. It is expected that 1,350 volunteers take part in this year’s edition of the Trinidad Alfonso EDP Valencia Marathon just as they did in 2015.

[vcr_button url=”https://www.valenciaciudaddelrunning.com/maraton/info-ciudadana-maraton/formulario-voluntariado/” target=”blank” background=”#e30513″ color=”#171414″ size=”18″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”25″ icon=”icon: share-square-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #010101″ class=”boton-vcr-std”]Registration Marathon volunteer[/vcr_button]

Maratón Valencia 2016

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