Revista Medio Maratón Valencia 2018

70 T he first thing we have to say is: Welcome to València. The city where you are going to run the Medio Maratón Valencia Trinidad Alfonso EDP offers you many leisure possibilities for fun, relaxation and cultural and social enrichment. For some years now it has been known as ´the city of running, and you will see why immediately! But its attractions go much further, which include the gastronomy with its internationally famous ´paella´, to natural areas of great beauty such as the Albufera Lake and the Dehesa del Saler, the Jardín del Turia in the old riverbed or its approximately 9 kilometers of urban beaches, as well as historical monuments such as the Torres de Serranos, the gothic Lonja de los Mercaderes or the fantasy architectures of the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, one of whose buildings is a grand opera house. Here you can also get closer to the the roots of local cuisine such as the Central market and its traditional food restaurants. There are also great shopping possibilities in the areas of the Mercado de Colón or the calle de la Paz. Not forgetting its diverse offering of museums, auditoriums and theatres. València is alive in the streets We are at the end of October and the summer heat has passed. However, Valèncias geographic location and climate mean that it is still very pleasant to walk through its streets in autumn, it is practically flat everywhere you go, something you will appreciate when you run the half marathon! València boasts being one of the cities in Spain with the most days of sunshine each year, which draws people outside a lot and hence the streets are very animated. The lively terraces in popular neighborhoods like El Carmen or Ruzafa, or the stately Ensanche, or the Gran via or around the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and the cathedral are all landmarks that bring the city its identify at any time of the year. We also recommend that you come to the promenade in La Malvarrosa and Las arenas as well as the port’s dock area where nautical activities coexist with the new restaurants or the modern facilities of the school of entrepreneurs, Edem. A c i t y w h e r e e v e r y t h i n g i s p o s s i b l e Welcome The ciudad de las artes y las ciencias