Revista Maratón Valencia 2019

125 GUÍA TURÍSTICA � TOURIST GUIDE Nuestras playas Kilómetros de arena, sol, mar…Olor aMe- diterráneo. La Malvarrosa, el Cabanyal o El Saler. Entenderás porqué nos encanta vivir aquí. Our beaches Kilometres of golden sand, sun and sea... The true Smell of the Mediterranean with beaches such as: theMalvarrosa, theCaban- yal or El Saler. Once you visit them you will understand why we love living here. Jardín del Turia El parque urbanomás grande posible. Seis kilómetros en pleno centro. Un oasis de paz y tranquilidad lleno de relax, deporte y paseos que recorre la ciudad entera. Turia Garden It is the largest possible urban park and six kilometres right in the heart of the centre. An oasis of peace and tranquillity full of relaxation, sports and trails that runs through the entire city. Iglesia de San Nicolás Nuestro gran descubrimiento. Es la ‘Capilla sixtina valenciana’. Sus frescos, reciente- mente recuperados gracias a la Fundación Hortensia Herrero impactan a todos y no defraudan a nadie. Existen varios tipos de visitas, incluyendo un acceso para poder ver las cúpulas por la parte superior. Im- pactante. Una joya en auge. Church of San Nicolás It is our great discovery. It is the 'Valencian Sistine Chapel'. Its frescoes, recently re- covered thanks to the Hortensia Herrero Foundation. It's marvel impacts everyone and does not disappoint anyone. There are several types of visits, including an access to see the domes from the top. The views are very impressive. It is truly a flourishing jewel. Torres de Quart y Serranos Eran la puerta de entrada a la ciudad duran- te siglos. Han visto crecimiento y deterioro de civilizaciones. Sus muros hablan por sí solos e impacta su tamaño. Quart and Serranos Towers They were the gateway to the city for cen- turies. They have seen everything from the growth to the deterioration of civilizations. Their walls speak for themselves and their size is exceptional. L’Albufera El lagomás grande de España. Un remanso de paz a solo 10 minutos de la ciudad. Atardeceres increíbles y naturaleza pura. L'Albufera It is the largest lake in Spain. It is a haven of peace and tranquility and just 10 minutes away from the city. It's full of incredible sun- sets and pure nature.