Revista Maratón Valencia 2019

¡WOW! • You'll have them everywhere. Spread out on the circuit, in the refreshment posts, giving you the dorsal number, giving out information at the fair…Our volunteers, always with a big smile ready to help you. This year, 2,100 people will make the race possible and lend a hand wherever you need it. OUR GOAL=ZERO WASTE Our volunteers are committed people. On the one hand, they have been trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid by the health group Vithas, collaborator of the competition. They are also involved in ensuring that the race generates as little environmental impact as possible. Together with Ecoembes and Coca-Cola's Environmentally Friendly Events, we seek zero waste and the highest level of recycling and reuse, and they are vital in this regard. Thank you all. You're great. An essential part of the race. They are our source of pride IOS