Revista Maratón Valencia 2019

71 EL PRADO � EL PRADO • For centuries the world and its events have inspired painters and artists,who in turn,with theirworks, have inspired other people in their lives.This year the Prado Museum and EDPwanted to do the same with the runners of the Valencia Marathon and help them to overcome the hard journey to the finish line. A path in which one goes through an infinity of emotions and feelings, some positive, others less so, but which are inevitable before facing the 42,195m. Effort, enthusiasm, fear, anxiety, emotion... They sound familiar, don't they? To illustrate them, the museum, which this year celebrates its bicente- nary, has made a wonderful review of the works in its collection and has chosenworks by great artists such as Goya, El Bosco, Rubens,Murillo or El Greco, who knew how to represent those feelings in their paintings and, hand in hand with EDP, has shown them to you throughout the last 42 days before the event. Thus, through Twitter, Instagram and giant screens in the city, you have been able to enjoy Titian's Sisyphus, which represents the Effort of a marathon; Titian's "Lavatorio", the humility with which distance must be treated; or Goya's "La Pradera de San Isidro", to show the great atmosphere in the city, among many others. Now it is up to you to gather all that inspiration and reach the goal on the lake of the City of Arts and Sciences full of energy and emotion. La nevada o El invierno , Francisco de Goya Overcoming � La nevada o El invierno, Francisco de Goya El caballero de la mano en el pecho , El Greco Prudence � The gentleman with the hand on the chest, El Greco PRUDENCIA SUPERACIÓN